Asa Naga is an enforcer for the criminal organization Black Sun.
Parts: Head (Space Force figure), Torso (POTJ Bespin Guard), Arms (POTJ Bespin Guard), Legs (POTJ Bespin Guard), Flight cap (Tycho Celchu), Blaster (POTJ Bespin Guard).
Supplies: X-acto knife, Super Sculpey, super glue, brushes, Testors paints, Polly Scale paints and Testors Dull-Cote.
Reference: This character appeared in Dark Horse's
Darth Maul graphic novel. The character was actually killed by Maul near the end of the story. Despite this, he will probably show up (with a new name) as a background figure in some future diorama. This figure was created for Yakfinities #27.
Step One: I began by removing the original head and trimming the bottom of the jacket a bit. The whole figure was then spray painted black.
Step Two: Once the base paint was dry, I added the new head. The long hair and the Black Sun medallion were made using Super Sculpey. The shoulder armor was cut from a piece of vinyl and glued to the shoulders (they do not restrict the artiuculation much).

Step Three: I re-painted the figure, according to the reference pictures.
Step Four: Once the paint was dry, I applied a coat of Testors Dull-Cote to protect the paint and remove the shiny appearance of the paint.