06/18/2012 - Today, the kids and I started renovating Our Basement Workshop. The room does double-duty as a display area for our collection, so we like it to look nice. The thing is, it rarely does. So we're putting some serious effort into spiffing things up.
A lot of the clutter in the room is stuff that is designated for one of two really large dioramas we've been planning for well over a year. Diorama building might seem like an odd way to clean up a room, but I think that once we have them well underway, there will be less lying around to pick up.
We started by installing some 'under-the-shelf' lighting in the two designated diorama areas. I've been hoarding the lights for a while, but hadn't yet found the drive to rip things apart for the installation. Once the lights were installed, Adam and I set about giving the shelves a good base coat of white paint. Most of the shelf area will be covered by the diorama display, but there will be some parts that aren't and we don't want those to be too much of an eyesore!
In between coats, we started working on sorting through the clutter stacked and stuffed everywhere in the room. We also took a few minutes to patch the tiny little crack in the wall behind the workbench. Since moving into the house, this is the third time we've patched in this area of the basement wall and each time we've improved the condition. Since our last attempt (two years ago), we've had some really significant rainfalls, but only a small trickle of water leaked in. I'm hoping that this last patch does the trick!
06/19/2012 - The top shelf is too close to the ceiling to be of much use, so we normally use it for storage. There is a Millennium Falcon and some other Star Wars ships collecting dust there for the moment. The next shelf down is the Rogue Squadron diorama I finished a few years ago. We spent some time today removing everything from that shelf, dusting and replacing them.

11/05/2012 - Today, we began the serious work. The shelves we showed off back in June are going to be closed off with an old sheet and the rest of the stuff in the room is being packed up and moved out! That's right - a SERIOUS renovation.
Roughly half of our basement is 'finished'. However, Our Basement Workshop is located in the unfinished portion. During our renovation, we intend to build a wall to close it off from the rest of the basement and hang a drop-ceiling. Once that is done, we'll re-paint the entire room and find a nice carpet remnant. Only then, will we put all of the toys back in place. Adam and I worked for a few hours today and managed to pack up all of the Star Wars toys, with the exception of the ships hanging from the ceiling. This will likely go back up after the renovation is done, so I will just pound in a couple of temporary nails for them to hang from near the laundry area.
11/06/2012 - More packing. Unfortunately, packing isn't very much fun and I keep getting distracted by the toys in the room, new project ideas and the Interwebz. <Sigh> This is going to take a while.

11/21/2012 - More packing...
11/24/2012 - More packing. Why is this taking so long? Because it's not very much fun. And we keep getting distracted with things...

12/01/2012 - I bought all of the building supplies for the wall today. I can't pick up the building permit until Monday morning (12/03/2012), but we'll be ready to go as soon as we have it!
12/03/2012 - I acquired the building permit today and got started with the framing. I almost managed to get it all finished, but ran short of time. Tomorrow, I'll have to secure the last two studs and mount the light switch to its new location.

12/05/2012 - The building inspector approved everything, so now we're on to the drywall. Progress was limited today, as my daughter was home sick from school. Still, my son and I managed to hang all of the drywall inside the room. Adam was proud of his contribution and wanted to get in the progress photo!
12/06/2012 - Today, we hung the last two pieces on the outside of the wall. Tomorrow, we hope to begin applying the joint compound. Adam likes the fact that applying joint compound is referred to as 'mudding'. :)
12/07/2012 - As planned, we got both sides of the wall taped and mudded today. There was also a small crack in one of the basement walls that we applied elastomeric patch seal to. It's been several years since we had a substantial leak in the basement, but the crack behind my workbench is usually good for a small puddle once or twice a year. I'd like to put a nice carpet remnant in the room when we're finished, so I want to get the leak shored up for good. Once the patch seal is dry, I plan to reapply.
12/08/2012 - Today we applied more of the patch sealant to the wall. We also sanded the drywall and found two areas that needed more joint compound. After applying it, we left it to dry.
12/09/2012 - We sanded the two areas we touched up yesterday. The walls look pretty good! We also took the door off the hinges to get it ready for painting. The door had to be trimmed to fit the space, so we needed to use a piece of wood to fill the hollow space left at the bottom. It worked out well and we left it to dry.
12/10/2012 - Today, we painted the inside and outside of the new wall. While we had the paint out, we also painted over the areas where we applied patches to the cracks in the concrete walls and touched up any other paint flaws we found around the room.
12/12/2012 - I managed to find time to cut the trim to be placed around the door frame. The trim is pre-primed, but the door and the door frame aren't. So the plan for tomorrow is to prime the door and frame when I get up. If they dry quickly enough, I'll let Kate help me paint them when she gets home from school. We have two cans of 'mossy green' paint that were purchased a few years ago for another project, but somehow never got used. So we plan to use that on the door and the trim.

12/14/2012 - Second coat of paint on the trim. I think we should be able to wrap up the wall/door portion of our renovation tomorrow!

12/27/2012 - Today we visited Home Depot again and bought all of the materials to install the framework for our suspended ceiling. The first step was mounting the wall angles all the way around the perimeter of the room to help support the frame. We ran into a couple of snags due to it being the first time we'd done anything like this. We also had to make an extra trip to Home Depot after breaking the masonry bit we needed to drill into the concrete walls to attach the wall angles.

12/31/2012 - The entire room got a new coat of paint today. It's amazing how bright it is in there!