And here they are "in action"...
Outside Prypyat, Sgt Humpty's 60mm Mortar Section prepares to fire in support of Darklon's men...
The gunners quickly check the deflection and elevation data on their gun sights, while the assistant gunners prepare the required number of rounds and remove the safety wires...
The assistant gunners "half-load" their first rounds and at their section leader's command, both mortar crews fire 4 rounds of High Explosive at Cobra troops over 3 kilometers away...
After expending their designated 4 rounds, both gunners signal "rounds complete" to Sgt Humpty, who passes the report by radio to Darklon.
Darklon responds that the fire mission was successful in disrupting the ambush and his men are now holding against the Cobra troops. Sgt Humpty gives the command "displace", letting his crews know to break down the mortars and prepare to move out quickly.
Sgt Humpty leads his section to a pre-designated rally point, where they will meet up with additional Grenadier forces and await their next fire mission.
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