Parts: Helmet (Robocop), Torso (Bossk), Arms (Bossk), Gloves (AT-ST Driver), Legs (Bossk), Boots (AT-ST Driver).
Supplies: X-acto knife, super glue, brushes, Testors paints and Testors Dull-Cote.
Reference: Photo stills from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. This is a really neat custom because the same spacesuit that this guy wore was later used for Bossk (minus the helmet) in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
Step One: First, I cut the reptillian hands and feet off of the Bossk figure. I then glued on the AT-ST Driver's gloves and boots.
Step Two: I attached the Robocop helmet to the figure.
Step Three: Next, I painted the figure, according to my reference pictures.
Step Four: Finally, I applied a coating of Testors Dull-Cote to protect the paint and reduce the shine.
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