Parts: Head (Godzilla figure), Torso (AT-ST Driver), Arms (Bespin Luke Skywalker), Legs (AT-ST Driver), Belt (Corps! figure).
Supplies: X-acto knife, emery board, file, super glue, paintbrushes, Testors paints and Testors Dull-Cote.
Reference: I created this figure based on pictures of the Rogue Squadron mechanics from Dark Horse's X-Wing: Rogue Squadron comics.
Step One: I began by swapping the AT-ST Driver's head and arms with the new ones I'd selected.
Step Two: The coveralls were painted tan and the boots were painted dark brown.
Step Three: I made the welding mask by cutting down a helmet from a Godzilla figure. The toolbelt was taken from a Corps! figure and was painted dark brown.
Step Four: Finally, I applied a coat of Testors Dull-Cote to seal the paint and reduce shine.
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