As a sixteen year old boy, Kyp Durron was rescued from the spice mines of Kessel by Han Solo and Chewbacca. Having been in contact there with the Jedi woman Vima Da Boda, Kyp knew of his Force ability and Han delivered him to the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV. There he learned the ways of the Force under Luke Skywalker. Kyp's days as a Jedi were almost over before they began when he stole the super weapon known as the Suncrusher and used it to destroy the Imperial planet Carida in an effort to avenge the suffering inflicted by the Empire. Mon Mothma left Kyp's fate to be decided by Luke, and Kyp was thus spared. Kyp's eye-for-an-eye attitude often clashes with the more compassionate views held by most Jedi. Kyp and his fighter squadron, "Kyp's Dozen" fought relentlessly against the Yuuzhan Vong during the early portion of that war, while most Jedi assumed a more passive, defensive role.
Parts: Head (Unknown Voltron figure), Torso (Tatooine Luke Skywalker), Arms (Tatooine Luke Skywalker), Legs (Tatooine Luke Skywalker), Lightsaber (Ki Adi Mundi).
Supplies: X-acto knife, emery board or file, super glue, Testors Dull-Cote, Paints and Brushes.
Reference: Pictures can be found in the Star Wars Essential Guide to Characters or in the Jedi Academy: Leviathan comic series from Dark Horse. Descriptions can be found in the Jedi Academy novel trilogy. Can be seen in the background a few times during Dark Horse's Union comic series. This figure is based on Kyp's appearance as a Jedi Knight in the Jedi Academy: Leviathan series.
Step One: I assembled the necessary parts using the boiling water method and then allowed the figure to cool completely. The head might end up needing to be glued on, depending on how successful you are at modifying a non-Star Wars head to fit the body. Note: at the time I made this figure, I was NOT particulalry good at it, so this one was glued on.
Step Two: Before painting, I filed down any rough edges.
Step Three: I painted the figure according to my references.
Step Four: Finally, I applied a coat of Testors Dull-Cote to protect the paint and remove the shiny appearance.
Old G.I.Joe collection photo scans
4 weeks ago
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