Derek "Hobbie" Klivian was a young Imperial pilot who, along with Biggs Darklighter, led a mutiny onboard the Imperial freighter Rand Ecliptic and defected to the Rebel Alliance. He flew a snowspeeder at the Battle of Hoth, and participated in the Battle of Endor. He remained a fixture in the squadron until being assigned a tour as a flight instructor. Immediately following that tour, Hobbie managed to be reassigned to Rogue Squadron. Following the defeat of Warlord Krennel, he was promoted to the rank of Major.
Parts: Head (Cale from Titan AE), Torso (Biggs Darklighter), Arms (Biggs Darklighter), Legs (Biggs Darklighter), Helmet (Wedge Antilles).
Supplies: X-acto knife, emery board, file, paintbrushes, Testors paints and Testors Dull-Cote.
Reference: I used descriptions from the books and pictures of him from the earlier comics by Dark Horse. The Rogue Squadron Handbook by Dark Horse provides detailed pictures of the artwork on most Rogue Squadron helmets.
Step One: First, I removed the Biggs head using the boiling water method. Then, I attached the Cale head and allowed the figure to cool completely.
Step Two: Next, I painted the helmet to match Hobbie's. I also painted his hair a very light brown.
Step Three: Finally, I applied a coat of Testors Dull-Cote to seal the paint and reduce shine.
Old G.I.Joe collection photo scans
1 week ago
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