Parts: Head (PotF2 Arvel Crynyd), Torso (Cantina Han Solo), Arms (Cantina Han Solo), Legs (Cantina Han Solo), Helmet (PotF2 Rebel Fleet Trooper), Blaster (Cantina Han Solo).
Supplies: X-acto knife, file or emery board, super glue, brushes, Polly Scale paints and Testors Dull-Cote.
Reference: This figure was loosely based on the Rebel security troopers seen in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
Step One: First, I swapped the heads using the boil-n-pop method and then allowed the figure to cool completely.
Step Two: Next, I cut off the top of Arvel's head and glued the Rebel Fleet Trooper helmet on.
Step Three: I painted the figure according to references. I added some detail to the blaster, as well.
Step Four: Finally, I applied a coat of Testors Dull-Cote to seal the paint and reduce the shine.
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